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Tips for Firing Your Inner Critic: Well Maybe Not So Fast?

I used to wish I could fire my inner critic. You know the little voice that comes out at the most inopportune times. For Instance, when we are about to go into a meeting, address a room, write a paper or meet someone new. It reminds us that we are not good enough, strong enough, smart enough or any other similar negative dialog.

What do you mean you are saying? Not me! I don't have an imaginary nay-sayer!

To that I challenge we all know we have one!

I spent many years of my life oblivious to mine. I never realized how much it was interfering with my ability to reach my full potential. When I finally came to grips with its existence, I only wanted to find a method to make it go away!

With deeper understanding and introspection, I am beginning to change my tune. What if I could come to grips with its existence, understand its origins and gain a deeper understanding of the essence of their message? Wouldn't this be ultimate freedom? Could I heed its warning, yet move forward anyway? Wouldn't this help me gain perspective and resilience? Could I use these small victories to become a stronger person and ultimately reach my true potential?

I decided the answer to this question was a resounding yes. This deeper insight gave me the power to embark on the path to make this invisible enemy my friend and adviser.

Here are my tips for embracing your Inner Critic:

1. Catch your critic in the act!

When are you visited most by you inner critic? Is there a specific pattern? Do they come out when you are lonely, hungry or tired? Is it when you write a report? Do they sneak up on you at a meeting? Tap you on the shoulder on dates, at parties or when you meet new people? Do they give fashion tips as you dress in the morning? Perhaps they try and trip you when you take a new exercise class or open the refrigerator?

Recognizing the patterns will heighten your awareness and provide the ability to be prepared.

2. Become an intuitive listener!

What is your inner critic trying to say? Is the message always the same? Does the inner dialog change with the circumstances? Is there validity to the words? Perhaps a lesson to be learned? Is this inner voice a warning of danger ahead?

The message can be nonsense or maybe a call to action.

3. Notice the surroundings and circumstances that bring them out of hidding!

What patters are starting to surface? Do they visit you most at work or at home. Do they torment you when you are out with you friends or on dates? Torture you when you step out of your comfort zone? Exercise influence at mealtime or sabotage your new workout regime? Is it their habit to spoil family dinners and visits? Mess up your vacation? Show up when you present or perform?

With a sharper lens of acute awareness the patterns will emerge. Take note and notice their effect on you.

4. Consider who or what do they remind you of?

Dig deep. What is being triggered? What memories come to the surface? Do they bring you back to your college days, the high school cafeteria or all the way back to the elementary school playground? Maybe you are brought back to grandma’s kitchen, the dining room table or battling your sibling or the bully who lived up the block.

If the message is eerily familiar and oddly holds the same negative charge understanding the origin will help put it into new perspective.

5. Describe them and bring them to life!

Here is your opportunity to be creative!

Draw a mental picture or grab a pen and bring them to life! Use a much detail as possible. This will give you the strength required to face your tormentor head on.

6. Give them a name.

This will also help defuse their effect. By humanizing them they will lose their power to catch you off guard. You can remind yourself that this character is here solely to block your path and steer you off your game.

Through clear and honest recognition and while truly embracing their presence they can actually propel you farther?

7. Arm yourself by creating two or three things you can say to send them packing!

8. List two or three things you can do or say to embrace their existence.

My inner critic is a Tasmanian devil that shows up most when I write, meet new people and present. Things that today I believe are my strongest attributes.

I call it Sandy, after the Hurricaine that threatened to destroy some many lives.

It stands over my shoulder when I write to caution me, "You can't write that" or "No one wants to read that"! It messes up my papers and jumps on my keyboard when I persist. It spills coffee on my notes before I present and then does its best to psyche me out before networking events.

Today I "Thank it for its concern" but tell it "I am going to publish this anyway" and take my chances. When it tries to break my confidence before I present I remind it “I got this” and reflect on my last positive presentation.

So, as you see, through developing a deeper understanding of the origins and messages of my Inner Critic, today I choose to make them my muse instead of my nemesis!

It is now my inspiration. The little voice that reminds me that I can do anything. It is that pesky yet persistent voice that makes me do spell check one more time and inspires me to create the best work possible.

It now stands right next to me or takes a seat in the front row when I present. It pushes me out of the door to step out of my comfort zone and enter a room of strangers.

Through finally embracing its existence I have become the best version of myself. By understanding and honoring its message I have ultimately been able to break free.

I encourage you to do the same.

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