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Powerful Possibilities Coaching Tip of the Week: What’s Your Elevator Speech?

Joan Siegelwax

“It’s not the impression you make, it’s the impression you leave."

Maryln Schwartz

Business Executive

What if you were trapped in an elevator with your CEO? Find yourself at an important networking event? Come face to face with someone of influence, or bump straight into the man or woman of your dreams? Are you prepared to introduce yourself properly?

Maybe you have just graduated? Are trying to break into a new field? Preparing for the next big career move, or just looking to expand your Network? What kind of first impression are you making? Are you prepared to quickly capture attention with a quick introduction that clearly spells out who you are and what you bring to the equation?

You never get a chance to make a second first impression. That is why having a prepared Elevator Speech is so important. An Elevator Speech is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a person, profession, product, service, or organization and its value proposition. It is assumed that if you can catch someone’s attention quickly and succinctly that the conversation will go on past the initial introduction.

In today’s growing world of on line profiles, social media platforms, text messaging and speed dating being prepared to give a “brief summary” of who you are and what you do is more important than ever!

Creating an Elevator Speech although daunting can be easy.

All you need to do is ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What do I do?

  • Who do I serve?

  • Who or how do I help?

  • What do I believe?

  • What is my Philosophy?

Armed with this simple script you can enter any situation with confidence.

Now when I meet someone new I say, “Hello, my name is Joan Axelrod Siegelwax and I am a Certified Executive Coach. I work with emerging leaders, people in transition, organizations lacking structure and people with work life balance issues. Through transformational coaching I help unleash your full potential and I believe that all things are possible.

It surely beats “Hello, nice to meet you”!

What is your elevator speech? I would love to hear it.

Make it a great week and remember “All Things are Possible”!

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